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Sponsor of Asker Tennis

Would you like to become a sponsor for Asker Tennis?

Do you or your company want to be visible at Asker Tennis Club?

Track sponsor/main sponsor:

  • The company can be a sponsor for the entire course. By this we mean that the name of the company will appear on the track itself during track booking. Ex: "Menu, Lane 1". So every time a customer books a course they will be minted on the company. In addition, the company gets 2 posters on the indoor track for which they are a sponsor. If you are a sponsor of an outdoor pitch, you get a large wind sail on the fence on the pitch and of course the name of the pitch is the name of the company.
  • Indoor court price: NOK 50,000 per year.
  • Price outside: NOK 30,000 a year.

Big poster sponsor indoor track:

  • The company can put up a large poster on the runway 4 wall. This is the largest poster we offer.
  • Price: NOK 30,000 per year.

Regular poster sponsor indoor track:

  • A poster on the side of the track.
  • Price: NOK 12,500 per year.

Wind sail sponsor (12x2 meters) outdoor court:

  • A wind sail along the outfield.
  • Price: NOK 15,000 per year.

Other sponsorship agreements:

  • The company's employees may have discounted/free prices on tennis games. This can be discussed with the company and set according to the company's wishes.
  • Price: Normal price is NOK 2,300 per membership, but with many employees it can cost NOK 40,000 for 20 memberships, which gives a NOK 300 discount on each membership. This is just an example and it can be discussed as desired.

If your business or company is interested in a collaboration, please contact: